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Occupational Health


The University of Cambridge are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for students with impairments and health conditions. The Faculty of Education will provide all reasonable support to enable students with impairments and health conditions to complete the course.

Prior to entry

Occupational Health (OH) provides a screening and advice service for all Post Graduate in Education (PGCE) students.  This begins prior to entry to Cambridge through the completion of conditional offer health assessment questionnaire and during the students’ studies.

As potential future teachers students have a duty to provide relevant and accurate information to the OH where it is held in confidence. The Faculty will only be informed of any functional effects of any health problems or disability if this is relevant to the students’ educational needs or pupil safety as well as the need to consider reasonable adjustments and /or additional support.  For further information, please see the guidance about trainee teachers and standards of medical fitness to train.

During training

OH provide confidential advice to students on all health related matters during their training and with the student’s explicit consent, provide guidance to the students supervisors/tutors regarding any necessary adjustments and/or modifications to accommodate a health problem or disability that may affect the student’s ability to study or practice as a trainee teacher.

If a student requires an occupational health assessment then this is initiated through the completion of a referral.

Reports from OH back to the Faculty will be with the individuals fully informed consent and only contain factual information following an assessment aiming to assist management successfully support the student through their studies.

Please note Occupational Health is not a substitute for a general practitioner (GP), all students should register with a local GP

Further support services at the University of Cambridge can be found here