Accidental exposure to blood or other body fluids from patients can lead to you becoming infected if the patient is infected with a bloodborne virus such HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Carry out safe practice and universal standards when using and disposing of sharp instruments:
- never re-sheath a needle
- always wear gloves when dealing with blood and body fluids
- always wear appropriate eye protection during surgical procedures
- ensure that all cuts and abrasions are covered with a waterproof dressing
- used sharps must be disposed of immediately after use into an approved sharps disposal container.
What to do in the event of an accidental blood or body fluid exposure
- remove gloves (where appropriate), keep the punctured glove
- make the wound bleed under running water-never suck the injury
- wash the wound with soap and water-do not scrub
- dry and apply a waterproof dressing
- thoroughly wash any body fluid splash to the eyes, mouth or other mucosa
- fill the 'punctured' glove with water to identify / confirm a hole.
Report the injury immediately:
At the Addenbrooke's site
- report to the ward/unit manager and Occupational Health (OH) 01223 (3)36594 between 08.30 and 16.00 hrs
- contact (bleep) the duty Specialist Registrar in Infectious Diseases via the hospital switchboard, who will assess the risk
- out of office hours contact the Specialist Registrar in Infectious Diseases via the hospital switchboard 01223 245151 or attend the Emergency Department and contact OH on the next working day to report the incident
- complete an Accident, Dangerous Occurrence and Incident Report Form to be sent to the Health and Safety Office.
At regional placements
- report to the ward/unit manager and the hospital's Occupational Health (OH) or Emergency Department if OH are not available
- contact OH 01223 (3)36594 between 8.30 and 16.30 hours to discuss the injury and arrange necessary follow up
- complete an Accident, Dangerous Occurrence and Incident Report Form to be sent to the Health and Safety Office.