The office is based at 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge on the first floor.
Unfortunately we do not have any parking spaces at Occupational Health so we would recommend wherever possible using the Park and Ride or the Route U Universal bus. The nearest parking in the city centre is 10 minutes walk at The Grand Arcade on Corn Exchange Street, and there are four other central car parks. There are also five Park & Ride sites around Cambridge: Cowley Road (north), Newmarket Road (east), Babraham Road (south east), Trumpington (south west) and Madingley Road (west). Buses to the city centre run every 12 minutes from 7am to 8pm.
There are two specifically designated disabled parking spaces at 16 Mill Lane and if either you or one of your passengers has mobility needs, please telephone Reception (01223 336594) in advance so that we can reserve a space for you as required.